WWE Monday Night Raw Preview: Undertaker abduction to be explained?

Undertaker at 25[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/WWE]

WWE RAW stands to be a pretty interesting episode, particularly on some of the stars who appeared in WWE Hell in a Cell.

Brock Lesnar will reportedly be around though it may more about who he faces next and maybe a little gloating on his win over the Undertaker.

Alberto Del Rio is likely to be on hand as well as he sheds more light on his sudden return to the WWE. His timing seems to be proper though it did catch many by surprise.

His name had already been mentioned before as the WWE looks for a proper star to lead the Hispanic niche but his alliance with Zeb Colter all the more makes him to explain in detail on how everything panned out.

And then there are the Wyatts. Just when the show was about to close in fitting respect to the Undertaker, the whole clan comes out and abducts the Dead Man. Could this be another one of those 'kidnapped' storylines we all saw during the WWE Attitude era?

Expect Bray Wyatt to take the microphone yet again to explain his actions. Will the Undertaker be around or will someone stand up for the Dead Man? Could this be tied up with all that talk about the 25 years of the Undertaker at WWE buzz?

 How about Corporate Kane? He is out of a job so what happens now?

There are also a lot of loose ends heading into Monday Night RAW. Who does Seth Rollins face next? Who does Roman Reigns feud with now?

What about the Divas division? Has Paige really accepted a backseat role to Charlotte or does she still have a diabolical plan to try and get a shot at her friend's title?

There is also Kevin Owens who is likely to be showboating once more after defeating Ryback. Will there be another duel between the two?

Apparently the show will offer much explaining and the birth of new feuds. Hopefully the show will gain more ratings, something the WWE is desperately in need of.