WWE news 2015: Cena shares real status on Twitter; Rollins featured in Forbes, tops PWI 500 list

[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Anton from USA]

John Cena seems to be up and well after anxious moments following his miscalculated sunset flip at a live event while going up against Kevin Owens.

Cena apparently failed to execute the maneuver, resulting in a bad fall. For a moment, it seemed that Cena was injured once again, either his back or neck, but the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) cleared it all up and said that the WWE star is not injured and won't be missing any shows.

That includes his set match for WWE Night of Champions in a couple of weeks where he will face Seth Rollins in a bid to reclaim the U.S. title.

After the WWE announcement, Cena himself took to Twitter to announce his current state:

Such should be a big sigh of relief for the WWE since the last thing they would need right now is to have another WWE star in sick bay. Further, Cena has been a crowd-drawer, of course, despite being in the middle cards lately, a pivotal aspect that would be needed to ensure that the WWE ratings don't continue to dip.

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/WWE]

Speaking of Rollins, the reigning WWE heavyweight and U.S. champion was featured at Forbes.com this week.

The article apparently fetes the Architect for his success, an experiment which contributor Alfred Konuwa says worked for the WWE.

Backing up his claim was the fact that Rollins topped the listing of Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI) 500, becoming the first wrestler aged under 30 to do the trick since Randy Orton did the same way back in 2008.

The popular heel has indeed played his role to the hilt and such achievements are not really surprising.

Rollins gets a chance to pad on that even more when he meets John Cena and Sting in two separate matches at WWE Night of Champions this coming Sept. 20. Of the two tiffs, a win over Sting could all the more boost his stock as one of the greatest WWE wrestlers of all time.