WWE news 2015: Former WWE star Carlito returning?

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Former World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) tag team champion Carlito might see a comeback to WWE, according to Court Bauer and Konnan during an episode of their MLW Radio show. Bauer is a former WWE creative writer, while Konnan is a former WWE and World Championship Wrestling (WCW) talent.

The 36-year-old Carlito is not only good at what he does but he also possesses charisma and confidence. His Hispanic background would make him a great asset to the entertainment company.

Wrestling Inc. reports that WWE has long been looking for a Hispanic superstar and no other candidate fits the role perfectly.

According to reports, the WWE star got addicted to painkillers he took for his back pain, which originated from his fight with The Backstabber. Since Carlito never sought medical attention, he resorted to painkillers and began increasing the dosage of his intake, eventually leading to drug abuse. 

Carlito got off WWE back in 2010 after he violated the industry's Wellness Policy and also refused to get treatment from rehab.

However, the wrestling superstar is now back to having a good relationship with WWE. In fact, he was last seen in 2014 during the Hall of Fame ceremony in which his father, Carlos Colon, was inducted.

During an interview with PrimeraHora, as translated in EWrestlingNews, Carlito was asked if he would like to return to WWE, to which he replied "I would accept going back to WWE. I have no bad feelings with anyone there."

Despite how bad WWE wants to have a leading Hispanic star, currently there are no Hispanic wrestlers training at the Performance Center.

It has also been reported several times how WWE officials are eager to look for more Hispanic stars, especially after popular figures Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio left the scene.

If Carlito returns, it would only prove how WWE continues to persevere in building the Hispanic market. The only Hispanic stars in the current roster include The Lucha Dragons of Kalisto and Sin Cara, as reported in Wrestling Rumors.