WWE news 2015: Seth Rollins' latest injury not a big deal?

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/WWE]

When Seth Rollins went down to an untimely injury during a live event in Dublin, Ireland earlier this month, many felt that the World Wrestling Entertainment's (WWE) problem went from bad to worse.

But now, it seems that the only effect it had was on the WWE Survivor Series since Roman Reigns was really being groomed to pick up the WWE heavyweight title moving on to 2016.

Rollins, who will be out between six to nine months, did exert a lot of effort to perform his job well, but the fact remains that he is hardly someone who helped in the WWE ratings game. He is a hard worker but his flare was simply not enough to make a difference.

When Rollins is fit to return, he will be given the push, although another push to the top may not be the immediate course of action.

Vince McMahon is obviously clinging on to the belief that Reigns is the guy who should be at the helm, something that almost happened at WWE Survivor Series before the celebration was cut short, no thanks to Sheamus' official cash-in of his Money in the Bank briefcase.

From here on, it seems that Reigns will be feuding with Sheamus for the WWE title, although the length of that storyline remains to be seen. Seeing that Reigns received that chorus of boos yet again during the last pay-per-view (PPV), it looks like he will need to rework himself yet again to endear himself and win the fans to get on his side.

The next PPV is the WWE TLC set for December 13, although it remains to be seen what matches will be in store. Reigns and Sheamus are likely to be there and the most likely scenario is seeing them slug it out for the WWE title.

As for Rollins, his loss is not seen as something that will impact future WWE PPVs. That includes Wrestlemania 32, where he was rumored to be taking on his mentor Triple H.

Apparently, that is something the WWE can easily adjust and the Architect can take his sweet time recuperating from his injury until he gets proper medical clearance to wrestle again.