WWE Survivor Series 2015: Who will team up with Brothers of Destruction?

Kane and the Undertaker[photo: Commons Wikimeida/ Xander Hieken]

The Undertaker and Kane are two large and powerful monsters to deal with, but the Brothers of Destruction need two more if their slated tiff at Survivor Series prospers.

From the looks of it, this seems to be the road ahead ever since the Wyatts abducted the Dead Man at World Wrestling entertainment (WWE) Hell in a Cell and then the Big Red Machine the night after. With two behemoths collected, could there be third and fourth victims ahead?

After WWE Raw, it looks like if ever there would be a third and fourth member, they will join them via different route. Bray Wyatt was on hand at the WWE show last Monday and all he showed was his ability to absorb and mock the usual effects tied up with the Taker and the Demon Kane.

There is no indication yet if this storyline will follow the lines of a traditional Survivor Series match. With the Wyatts already having a quartet of monsters, the guessing game on who would join them is up in the air. Whoever those remaining two guys are, they will most likely be not involved in any major storyline as we speak.

But will it come from the regular roster or stars who come and go as needed? One person who comes into mind is Sting, although it is unclear for now if he has been given the green light to report to active WWE duty.

Sting as the third man could be fit considering the magnitude of this matchup, not to mention his character as well.

And the fourth?

This one becomes harder to guess. Dean Ambrose sounds like a safe choice with buddy Roman Reigns tied up with Seth Rollins for the WWE heavyweight title.

If not the Lunatic Fringe, why not go for someone with power like Ryback? It may depend if he is no longer hooked to a possible Intercontinental matchup with Kevin Owens.

Rather than guessing the individual wrestlers, why not the Dudleys? If their feud with the New Day is not continuing, that could be a good answer, a gathering of WWE oldies against the new breed Wyatt Family.