WWE news: Enzo Amore fired due to sexual assault allegations

Enzo AmoreWikimedia Commons/Jordan Smith

The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) made good on their word when they said that they have "zero tolerance for matters involving sexual harassment or sexual assault" by immediately firing one of their current champions who has received complaints regarding sexual misconduct.

Enzo Amore, who competed in the company's cruiserweight division as the current champion, was fired hours before the 25th anniversary of "Monday Night Raw" after a certain Philomena Sheahan accused Amore, real name Eric Arndt, of molesting her in Arizona back in October 2017.

The company was not aware of the issue until Sheahan's accusations went viral on twitter. Although Amore denied the allegations, he did admit to the investigation that the local authorities conducted, something that did not sit well with the WWE, as Amore neglected to notify them in spite of being aware that he was being investigated.

The company's initial decision regarding the matter was to suspend Amore, which was posted in the WWE's official page. Just hours after the posting, however, the company announced that they had released the wrestler.

The announcement read: the "WWE has come to terms on the release of Eric Arndt (Enzo Amore)," which is noticeably different from the company's usual statement of release as they usually end their announcements with "The company wishes [name of superstar] the best in his/her future endeavors."

The announcement was blunt and direct to the point, which further hints that the company is very much aware of the gravity of the accusations thrown at Amore.

This is not the first time that he drew the ire of the company and his co-workers. He was banned from the superstar locker room last year because the other wrestlers could no longer stand his loud and over-the-top attitude. It was no secret that Amore was the least liked worker backstage and his recent predicament only worsened his relationship with the entire WWE.

The release effectively strips Amore of the WWE Cruiserweight title, which he was scheduled to defend against Cedric Alexander this Sunday at the Royal Rumble pay per view.