WWE news: Lana attempts to help but fails in Rusev vs John Cena


Whether Lana's involvement was good or bad, such hardly mattered.

Lana had reportedly stuck her nose once again in Rusev's business, coming out during a steel cage match involving the Bulgarian Brute and reigning United States champion John Cena at New Hampshire.

Rusev once again took exception to Lana's appearance despite the fact that Lana helped him out when she slammed the steel cage door on Cena as the US champion was trying to get out. Now the question is why did Lana try to help out Rusev? Then again was she trying to help him out at all?

Regardless, Lana eventually left and despite her help, Rusev lost again.

Rusev lost the United States title during Wrestlemania 31 and has constantly blamed the Ravishing Russian for doing so. Tensions between the two have escalated and both seemingly went their separate ways after the events that had transpired last week.

It will be recalled that Lana surprisingly aligned herself with Dolph Ziggler and capped it off with a kiss. Rusev on the other hand got a slap, a mark the eventually put an end to their relationship (as far as the WWE scene goes) and many believe that the new alliance will develop into a feud between Rusev and Dolph Ziggler.

Hence, don't be surprised to see the new feud to escalate. In fact, this should be something interesting to watch once the WWE Elimination Chamber comes around.

Ziggler and Rusev are part of the elimination chamber match for the vacant Intercontinental belt. So it should be interesting how things will turn out when the characters involved (Rusev, Ziggler and Lana) come face-to-face.

Also, it seems interesting what Lana's intention were at the live event. Was she trying to help or distract? If she was trying to distract, then why did she slam the door on Cena as he was on his way out?