WWE rumors: Triple H-Seth Rollins match-up expected at SummerSlam

[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/WWE]

Triple H aka The Game has not been seen on WWE television ever since his match during Wrestlemania 32. Despite this long absence, a report from the Inquisitr states that The Game is se to reappear in the months to follow as he may be going up against the current WWE Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins.

It is further stated that the reason the WWE has not yet placed Triple H back i the spotlight is because the wrestling foundation is currently focusing on the rivalry between the McMahon siblings, Shane and Stephanie. This rivalry may reach its peak during SummerSlam in which Triple H will come in as the wild card fighter.

Ring TalKK originally stated that Triple H might be coming in soon on the WWE to fight Shane McMahon but this speculated to be a ruse as he may be going for the Heavyweight championship belt. Given that Roman Reigns was recently suspended, that belt has gone to Seth Rollins and now Rollins could be Triple H's new target.

This does not immediately dismiss the chances of Triple H fighting Shane McMahon but it does diminish its significance as Triple H may be pushing for a feud with the current champion instead of the siblings controlling the WWE as a whole, especially now that the WWE brand is splitting.

It is also stated that since Rollins is using Triple H's finisher, the Pedigree, a feud may spark between them and Triple H may be out looking to prove he is the only wrestler worthy of that move. 

In a separate report, Triple H is also involved not just with the WWE brand splitting back to the Smackdown and RAW divisions but also with the potential return of Kurt Angle. According to What Culture, he and Angle did have discussions a few weeks back but these conversations did not cover the brand split and Angle confirmed he is not returnining anytime soon.