WWE news: 'Smackdown Live' main event suggests heel turn for Daniel Bryan

General Manager Daniel Bryan tries to get in between Kevin Owens (L) and Shane McMahon (R) During the match between AJ Styles and Sami ZaynSmackdown Live/Screenshot

It looks like "Smackdown Live" General Manager Daniel Bryan's New Year's resolution includes giving Commissioner Shane McMahon a lot more headaches for 2018.

This past Tuesday, an exciting match between World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) champion AJ Stlyes vs Sami Zayn was made by the Smackdown GM for the night's main event. This prompted Commissioner Shane McMahon to come out and announce that he will be at ringside during the bout to ensure that everything "will be equal."

This was due to Styles' defeat last week at the hands of Zayn's best friend Kevin Owens, when the champion got distracted by outside interference leading to a quick roll-up.

Bryan then countered McMahon's stipulation by inserting himself and Owens into the match, adding more fuel to the brewing tension between the two executives.

To McMahon's — and Styles' — frustration, the match ended up being a repeat of last week's disaster. When Owen's — trying to help Zayn, got ejected from the ring for his efforts, Bryan attempted to get McMahon out of the ring as well, causing Styles to check the commotion outside the ring, resulting in Zayn hitting his "Helluva Kick" on the champion and getting the three count.

After the match, Styles, who has had enough of everyone, called out Owens and Zayn for not being able to do anything without relying on each other for help. He also lashed out on the General Manager, saying "I don't even know whose side you're on," and told all of them to "stop bickering like children."

To the crowd's surprise, Bryan instead made a huge announcement for the upcoming "Royal Rumble" pay per view: Styles vs. Owens and Zayn in a handicap match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Nobody knows why Bryan called such a match. In the first place, a 2 on 1 handicap match for a singles title does not make any sense at all, as it can't be determined who between Owens and Zayn would become the champion if they win.

McMahon has yet to give his input to the announcement, but expect him to come up with something to level the playing field and help Styles. Also, expect the strain between him and Bryan to reach new depths.

The two have not been seeing eye to eye since before the "Clash of Champions" pay per view where Bryan accused McMahon of being blinded by the bad blood between him, Owens and Zayn. The Commissioner then questioned Bryan's loyalty, as it seems that he is protecting the two in spite of Owens brutally assaulting McMahon's father and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon a few months ago.