WWE news: Triple H slammed by Bret Hart over 'WWE 2K16' rating

Cutscene footage from "WWE 2K16"/Youtube

Bret Hart is one of the legendary superstars of the classic WWF and WWE, and all hardcore wrestling fans know his history. While the star is still going strong (notwithstanding a bout with pancreatic cancer), some observers think that The Hitman still has some grudges with the sport.

In a recent episode of his "Sharpshooter Podcast," The Hitman lambasted Triple H, this time over ratings in the current-gen "WWE 2K16" title. According to Hart, while he is a fan of the games, he will never understand why he is represented as being below the current WWE executive vice-president.

In "WWE 2K16," gamers can allocate up to 98 rating points for Triple H, against Hart's 85.

"It kind of pissed me off. I don't care how many titles Triple H wins, he could never lace my (expletive) boots up. Period. He was a very good, mediocre wrestler. Never blew me away with anything he's ever done," Hart ranted.

The Hitman also hinted that it may have something to do with The Game being a son-in-law of Vince McMahon, as well as holding an executive post at the WWE.

"Vince could make him 35 time World Champion and it doesn't mean he's 35 times better than everyone else that ever wrestled. He's just not," The Hitman continued.

Aside from ranting on about "WWE 2K16," Hart also talked about who will be on top in an Orton vs. Lesnar match.

The Hitman is quoted as saying, "They're up there in the top of their field. But Brock is a very special guy. Do I think Randy Orton could beat Brock in a real fight? No, and that's kind of what Brock has as a pro wrestler."

As for Triple H, The Game continues being busy with running the WWE, although many are still expecting him to take a more active role in future matches. Recently, The Game has been depicted as the cover star of a new lineup of WWE comics and graphic novels.