WWE Night of Champions 2015 news, review: Fan crashes the ring during Wyatt Family vs. Reigns/Ambrose tiff

[photo: YouTube screen capture/WWE]

The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) may have to do something about their security soon after seeing another fan entering the ring uninvited.

The incident occurred in the tiff pitting The Wyatt Family against Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, with the fan of the former seemed to be mocking Roman Reigns.

Security, of course, managed to get to the fan on time but the thing is such has been recurring.

Playing along, the Wyatts tried to make it look like the fan was part of the act seeing that Ambrose and Reigns had yet to reveal their mystery partner. And as everyone knows, that's none other than Y2J or Chris Jericho.

Going back to the incident, it brings to mind how the WWE is handling its security measures. While the fan would have been at a disadvantage had things gotten out of hand, securing the safety of their wrestlers is a prerogative. Could one imagine the debacle had the fan intended to do something foolish?

Recall that in August, Roman Reigns was the unfortunate recipient of a hit of a Money in the Bank briefcase over at Victoria B.C. Ironically, it was a one-on-one match between Reigns and Bray Wyatt.

The fan claims that he was egged on by the fans to throw the briefcase and later on apologized. He was, however, banned from all future WWE events.

So how does the WWE deal with this one, a fan entering the ring?

In the same month, there was also a fan who, according to reports, went at Dean Ambrose with a sharp object. Ambrose just finished a match with Sheamus, but the Wyatts sort of had a hand in distracting him as well.

So why are fans getting into the act whenever it involves Reigns, Ambrose, and the Wyatts? Are all these planned or simply a showing of poor security measures?

Hopefully, the WWE can address the matter especially if it is not in the script. The last thing that the WWE wants right now is an unfortunate incident involving its WWE stars.