WWE Payback 2015 latest news, rumors: Elimination Chamber returns!

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All WWE title belts except for the WWE Divas Championship will be put up at another WWE pay-per-view set on May 31 after the WWE announced the return of the famed WWE Elimination Chamber.

The WWE Heavyweight title, the now vacated Intercontinental Championship, WWE Tag Team championship and the United States championship will all be competed inside the punishing steel structure with the participants more likely to be known after WWE Payback.

WWE Payback will take place this coming Sunday (May 17) at the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore Maryland. The WWE PPV will be shown over the WWE Network at 8PM ET/5PM PT.

WWE Heavyweight Championship
For now it may depend on who comes out as the winner in the WWE Fatal Four-way match for the WWE Heavyweight title. There are now two rumors going around on who will come out. An initial rumor bared that Rollins will be keeping his title while a recent one points to Orton coming out the victor. Seeing the participants in the upcoming fatal-four way, would it be surprising to see them again at the Elimination Chamber? Kane could be added or maybe even the Big Show as well.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
With Daniel Bryan having to relinquish the title due to injuries once more, it should be a repeat of that exciting ladder match everyone witnessed at Wrestlemania 31. Rumors have it that King Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Stardust and Neville will be among the ones vying for the IC title though you have to wonder if other wrestles like Sheamus could be inserted. Again not final.

United States Championship
Will it be another battle between John Cena and Rusev for the US title? While this storyline seems to be repetitive, there is a small chance it could happen. So the participants here remain a mystery for now.

WWE Tag Team Championship
The New Day and the team of Tyson Kidd and Cesaro are sure to be in this one. Other possible tag teams include the Prime Time Players, the Ascension and the Lucha Dragons which could vie for the Tag Team title. Also, don't discount the odd team of Damien Sandow and Curtis Axel in this one.

Though it is an Elimination Chamber PPV, it wasn't mentioned if all would be actually played inside the chamber. Hence, there could be a chance that some matches like the WWE Tag Team championship may not necessarily be held in the demonic structure.

Focus is expected to remain on WWE Payback for now and WWE Elimination Chamber could very well hinge on the results of that PPV as well as some personalities who could suddenly appear or be given a bump so stay tuned!