WWE return rumors 2016: Roman Reigns storyline reportedly being readied for return following suspension

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Roman Reigns was suspended by WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) after committing his first violation against the WWE Wellness Policy. According to the latest rumors, a storyline is already prepared for the return of Reigns, who needs to redeem himself, which he will start from scratch again and make his way to the top. His suspension will run for 30 days, which started last June 21.

SportsKeeda reported that Reigns will have to go back to the bottom of the list and battle it out again with the other guys if he wants to have his belt back, as Vince McMahon wanted. This story might just work since this happened to him before, as a singles competitor. McMahon wanted him to appreciate more what he purposely threw away.

It is also speculated that there will be no change in his portrayed character inside the ring. He will not be the good guy, nor the bad guy. He will still be "the guy." This has been an issue for some time now, and fans are not believing what he's portraying. One can only be a good guy or a bad guy, but nothing in between.

The report also mentioned that Reigns also asked for an apology in the locker room. Director of Talent Relations Mark Carrano was with him, but the order was handed down from Triple H. However, it was received with mixed reactions by his fellow wrestlers, and some thought that it was unnecessary, while others said it was the right thing to do.

Reigns's suspension was a shock for the company. He was the current champion when he reportedly failed the drug test. Amphetamine was reportedly found in his system, as well as traces of marijuana. He technically failed the two tests, but the suspension was for the harder drug. No details were mentioned regarding the results of the test, except that it has something to do with fat burners, Yibada reported.

His suspension will also cost him approximately US$100,000, aside from his championship belt.

Reigns will be back on July 24 for WWE's Battleground.