WWE return rumors: Randy Orton to face off with AJ Styles next?

Randy Orton's next opponent is already set up.WWE.com

Randy Orton will make his big WWE return at SummerSlam with a match against Brock Lesnar. However, WWE may have more plans for The Viper after that.

According to the latest WWE return rumors, WWE plans for Orton to clash with AJ Styles after SummerSlam. They are already being advertised as opponents in upcoming WWE events.

Orton has already expressed his interest to work with Styles and it looks like it won't take long for the two to brawl it out in the ring soon.

As to how Orton's eye will lead to Styles, it remains to be seen for now. However, it is being said that Styles and Orton will be brought to SmackDown care of the WWE brand split.

There, they will stand as two of the biggest superstars in the brand, making a clash all the more inevitable.

However, for now, Styles is busy with his feud John Cena while Orton has just begun training to get back into "ring shape" as he prepares to go toe to toe with Lesnar.

Reports say that Lesnar has always been set to win the SummerSlam match, whether he lost or won his UFC comeback last UFC 200 against Mark Hunt.

Styles, on the other hand, is expected to lose to Cena since the Cenation leader already got a taste of loss in the Money in the Bank.

At SummerSlam, it will be the first time since 2002 that Orton and Lesnar will meet in the squared circle. Ever since, they have already evolved to stronger, but different fighters.

This will definitely show at SummerSlam. However, it is looking like the fate of Orton is already mapped out although his WWE return will lead him to another feud.

It is important to note that Lesnar was recently confirmed by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency to have committed a "potential" doping violation discovered on a test last June 28.

"We will get to the bottom of this," Lesnar told the Associated Press. Some fear that this might affect his standing in WWE.