WWE return rumors: suspended Roman Reigns making a heel return? More details about suspension surface

Roman Reigns is back in WWE.WWE.com

Just as the 30-day suspension of superstar Roman Reigns from WWE is officially lifted, more information on his Wellness Policy violation come to light.

As per The Wrestling Observer, Reigns was tested positive for Adderall, which is a substance commonly banned in the National Football League or NFL and the Major League Baseball or MLB.

Adderall is used mostly to treat ADHD, but it also able to decelerate pain and fatigue.

WWE is not expected to share the details about Reigns' violation as the company always resorted to keeping such type of details close to its chest.

The timing of his suspension, however, allowed him to make it to his match at WWE Battleground against his former Shield teammates Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Reigns will make his WWE debut after his suspension today during the WWE Live Event set in Wildwood, New Jersey. There's no information as to how he will be re-introduced.

However, it is expected that Reigns, who was a babyface in WWE before his suspension, will come back as a heel. This is believed to be the best approach WWE could go for in Reigns' WWE return.

According to Bleacher Report, WWE can position The Big Dog as someone who has no care in the world about what fans think and will do everything to win.

The site noted that WWE should use the often unenthusiastic response towards Reigns (which was evident in his journey to becoming the top WWE contender) to the superstar's advantage.

As for his fate in WWE Battleground 2016, Reigns is not expected to win the title seeing that he just got out of a suspension. It is predicted that it will be either Rollins or Ambrose who bags the title.

However, according to Geno Mrosko of Cageside Seats, WWE will likely give the match to Ambrose, and create a title that Reigns and Rollins will feud over in Raw.