WWE rumors update: AAA boss sheds light on Alberto Del Rio departure

Alberto Del Rio[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Megan Elice Meadows]

To this day, many may still be dumbfounded at how the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) managed to pull Alberto Del Rio from the AAA, considering the Hispanic star had been doing great at last up to that point.

But as it turned out, the entry of the WWE into the scene couldn't have come at a perfect time. Del Rio was negotiating for a new pact and it just so happened that the WWE came along and offered him an obviously lucrative one.

AAA Vice President for Business Development and Lucha Underground founder Dorian Roldan Peña got word of the impending move only three days prior to WWE Hell in a Cell 2015. But at that point, seeing that they were up against a big company, Peña somehow knew that Del Rio was good as lost. 

But the thing there was that Del Rio was their champion and that they had wanted to somehow make the transition smooth. That included asking Del Rio if he could appear in at least two more shows before completely ending his tenure.

While Del Rio seemed to have been okay with it, the WWE was not. And so Peña and the AAA wasn't really left much of a choice, although the case does bring up a lot of contract issues which they could potentially apply on their talent.

In all, it is all about honoring a talent's commitment before giving them the proper clearance to move on. And if the AAA or Lucha Underground is wise, they may want to do that as soon as they can since they do have another talent that could be dangled as well in Rey Mysterio.

With no certainty for now on whether the WWE would consider Mysterio, the fact is that Vince McMahon and company are reportedly trying to build up their Hispanic base.

So with that in mind, Mysterio could be a next target so Peña and the AAA may want to do the necessary before that happens and leave them yet again hanging.