WWE Rumors 2015: Rusev out to settle score with Ziggler after recovering from injury


The Bulgarian Brute is back in harness. After being sidelined for months due to an injured foot, Rusev seems to be fully healed, and he showed that during the July 6 edition of WWE RAW.

The unfortunate recipient of Rusev's rage is of course Dolph Ziggler, a storyline that has long been limited to drama, considering Rusev was unable to engage in any physical activity because of his injury.

The running feud came about when Lana, Rusev's former handler, left the Bulgarian Brute and joined Ziggler. Lana was the one who aligned herself with Ziggler, though Rusev doesn't seem to see it that way. And for stealing his manager (or is it woman?), an enraged Bulgarian is determined to unleash the anger within. Those who missed that segment may check out the video below.

Rusev's career has been on the decline ever since his feud storyline with John Cena ended. Rusev was supposed to take part in the ladder match at WWE Extreme Rules for the vacated Intercontinental Belt, but an unfortunate injury prevented him from doing so.

The setback was compounded when Lana left Rusev, a result of the Bulgarian Brute's constant yapping that it was the Ravishing Russian's fault that he had been losing. This was the reason for Lana's departure from Rusev and new partnership with Ziggler.

And so the story continues after much delay, and Rusev gets another chance to pick up from where he left off.

Side by side, it seems that Rusev has the advantage, with power and size obviously in his favor. And against an established star like Ziggler, this feud provides him with a great opportunity to once again rise within the WWE ranks.

Rusev stands to get back to his winning ways with Ziggler as an opponent, though this could serve as a springboard of sorts for future matches against bigger wrestlers.

Could Rusev be lined up for a title shot with Ryback soon? This seems to be an interesting pairing in terms of power and size. Besides, wasn't that the belt Rusev had his eyes on before falling to the dreaded injury bug?