WWE rumors 2015: Triple H almost sold being injured after WWE TLC attack

Triple H[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Raphael Mok]

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) COO Triple H will pull out any stops possible to help the sagging fortunes of the company and he almost did a pretty good job at it until he suddenly made a tweet barely a day after he got a beating from recently crowned WWE heavyweight champion Roman Reigns.

It all transpired during WWE TLC, Triple H being the recipient of some ardent attacks from the Big Dog.

With frustrations mounting, Reigns just lost it at WWE TLC and punished Sheamus as much as he could and anyone who got in the way — including Triple H.

For those who missed it, Triple H, along with partner Stephanie McMahon, raced down the arena ramp in an effort to reason with Roman Reigns and stop the carnage. While the WWE COO almost succeeded, he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

With Reigns seeing red, he saw the man responsible for making his life miserable in the WWE scene and chair shots followed as the WWE COO suffered a beating. Capping it off was the Big Dog's patented spear, recklessly wreaking havoc on the WWE pay-per-view (PPV) which would certainly come with dire consequence.

Of course, Reigns would be sort of punished at WWE Raw but in the end, he still got the ultimate prize of being the new WWE champion.

As for Triple H who is still indisposed (per storylines), one has to think what would be next for Reigns. The Authority will surely be back to make life a living hell for him and one even has to wonder if that rumored matchup between Triple H and Roman Reigns will eventually materialize.

Triple H does deserve credit for it, of course, and everything was perfect until he had to go on social media and make a tweet which, apparently, proved he was not that badly hurt at all.