WWE rumors 2015: Was Sting injured in match against Seth Rollins?

Wikimedia Commons/Miguel Discart

For those who caught World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Night of Champions, particularly the main event that pitted Seth Rollins against World Championship Wrestling (WCW) icon Sting (Steve Borden), it seemed pretty obvious that at one point he was in pain.

As it turned out, Sting did suffer a serious injury to his neck but thankfully a computed tomography (CT) scan showed no fractures. The bad news is that there is no timetable for his recovery. There is also no assurance that the Vigilante would be back in the WWE scene soon.

There were lots of instances wherein the injury may have occurred. One was when he got pushed from the announcer's table where his head landed awkwardly and seemingly on a TV monitor.

Then there was that powerbomb from the top turnbuckle, which according to a report from TMZ, is what really caused the neck injury.

There were fleeting moments that didn't seem right. When Rollins had Sting in the corner, Sting almost seemed ready to fall at that point. In all, his reaction was not something normal, and from there, it was obvious that Sting was wobbly and not himself.

"The greatest damage to his body took place before the match was over, but being the true professional he is and among the hardest workers to ever step foot in the ring, he insisted to see the match through to the end," says Steve Martinez, Sting's manager, via TMZ.

Despite that obvious pain, one has to wonder how the 56-year-old wrestler was able to finish the match and even battle back at some point. But in the end, it was obvious that Sting wasn't 100% on the later stages of the match.

Right now, Sting may be out of the picture but the more important thing is to make sure that Sting is in good health.

With Sheamus and Kane stepping in, here is hoping that Rollins doesn't use this unfortunate incident as a bragging right, considering that the incident was something that no WWE fan wanted to see.