WWE rumors 2015: Will Sheamus and King Barrett be tag team champions soon? [VIDEO]

[photo: YouTube screen capture/WWE]

While the focus right now is on the awkward status of the New Day who are using the Freebird rule to keep the three of them in the mix to hold on to the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) tag team titles, there are some tandems bound to break that rein soon.

The Dudley Boyz have tried but so far failed but the Usos are back in action and pose serious threat to those tag team title belt holders. The list goes on with the Lucha Dragons, the Ascension, and the Prime Time Players; but what about two monsters who have been wandering off in singles competition and ending up with nothing?

This is with reference to Sheamus and King Barrett, both heels who have time and again teamed up but not on a regular basis. What if the two would team up and align? Two tall and powerful stars making a serious run for the WWE tag titles could make sense, although that remains to be seen.

With both hardly making an impact individually, perhaps a stint in the tag team division could benefit them both. Fans have seen successful wrestlers use the Tag Team division as a springboard for a big WWE main event push, so why not Mr. Money in the Bank and the King of the Ring?

Right now, plans for the two superstars to align don't seem to be in the scripts of the creative team but it could be considered eventually.

Sheamus and Barrett could be a lethal tandem and should they be successful, it is hard to picture who could beat them on even grounds. Both have the size and the skills put altogether and hopefully the WWE creative team at some point will take notice.

If so, the next question is will these two have a moniker for their tandem or simply stick to their screen names? The latter seems to be fine, although a new team name in the WWE mix could be interesting too. Any suggestions?