WWE rumors 2016: Aging A.J. Styles could cut his WWE stint short

AJ Styles[photo: YouTube Screen Capture/WWE]

The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) hit it big when they debuted A.J. Styles at the 2016 WWE Royal Rumble, a big sigh of relief considering the company hasn't been doing all that good as of late.

Styles drew raves and even saw his merchandise run out at the WWE store. With that said, it would only be a matter of time before the "Phenomenal One" would eventually be catapulted to the main cards.

Speaking of that, any plans of doing so may have to be done quickly. The WWE has no time to spare for Styles mainly because the guy is already 38 years old.

This means that Styles is technically on borrowed time and could at some point slow down. Injuries could crop up soon, something that is normally seen as a reason why wrestlers need more time off or are forced to retire.

While his official coming is good, it may have happened a wee bit too late. Styles has been around and is a familiar fixture. But if the WWE plans to squeeze out all that they can before Styles starts slowing down, it should start now.

It won't be surprising if Styles would at some point make a run for one of the major titles. The U.S. title and the intercontinental title are likely the first ones on the list. How about the WWE heavyweight title? It could depend but for now, it seems like a long shot with Roman Reigns and perhaps Dean Ambrose fighting for that honor.

While Styles' age may not look like it at his figure and the way he is fighting, it is a reality the WWE will need to face at some point. The wise move is to exhaust all means and give Styles the push while he is still hot.