WWE rumors 2016: Bret Hart hardly impressed with Royal Rumble outcome

As far as the 2016 World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Royal Rumble is concerned, many were disappointed and hardly impressed. Such could be heard around on the web and social media, although there are some who have been there before who knows a good battle royal from a bad one.

That person is none other than Bret Hart, someone who has been known to stand out in historic Royal Rumble matches. The legendary Canadian wrestler was one of many viewers to kept tabs on the WWE pay-per-view (PPV) and like most, he felt that the WWE would have done better.

Brett Hart[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Wwewrestlingmadman]

On his end, Hart says that the Royal Rumble was too predictable. The creative team did a bad job in coming up with surprises, particularly the part when Reigns was outnumbered and beaten bad.

He also singles out how other big names have been overlooked. He cites the cases of the Big Show and Mark Henry who were eliminated easily, a far cry from the previous years when the WWE would at least make it hard for smaller competitors to dispose of the bigger ones.

He seems to also not understand why Triple H was the best option to win it all, a ploy that seemingly takes away the title from main storylines and focus more on developing the stock of Reigns.

In all, Hart says that it was so easy to figure out and not that suspenseful. Of course, he didn't mention that social media and rumors could be a reason for such, something that was not that hot during his WWE days.

Calling it one of the worst Royal Rumbles he has ever seen, the "Hitman" believes the WWE should broaden its outlook for its talent. Dean Ambrose or even Sheamus would have been in a great position to win rather than the WWE COO, another storyline which the company would have considered rather than building hype for the Triple H vs. Reigns setto believed to be happening for Wrestlemania 32.