WWE rumors 2016: Daniel Bryan's fate known soon?

Daniel Bryan[photo: Commons Wikimedia/ Megan Elice Meadows]

Daniel Bryan has been aching to return to the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and the company could get a big boost if he does. The problem is his medical status is now at a stalemate with the icebreaker in the hands of a third doctor to determine if the former WWE champion is still indeed fit to return to the ring.

The WWE, through its doctor Joseph Maroon, alleged that Bryan should never wrestle again due to his bout of concussions. But stubborn as he may seem, the bearded one sought the opinion of another doctor outside the WWE circle, someone who reportedly works with the Arizona Cardinals, and found that Bryan is fit to return if he does choose to do so.

Now, it boils down to the findings of a third doctor and, of course, Bryan is keeping his fingers crossed since he has been aching to spring back into action.

Seeing how popular Bryan is, the WWE could get a shot in the arm seeing that the company has been reeling from poor ratings, further compounded by the injury that befell soon-to-be former WWE heavyweight champion Seth Rollins.

Vince McMahon has reportedly been thinking about a possible return for Bryan and is likewise eager to see what the third doctor will say.

But the longer it is taking to resolve the matter, the more the WWE CEO is believing that Bryan is over and done with since he does not want to jeopardize the Yes Man's health and life just to get back into the WWE ring.

As it stands now, it has become a waiting game on what the third doctor will say. It could ultimately be the end of this all, with Bryan either returning to the ring soon or accepting the fact that his WWE career (in-ring) is officially over.

With that said, the WWE may have to look for some other wrestler to help out their cause or build on someone who could raise the WWE ratings up again.