WWE rumors 2016: Does Tyler Breeze have a future with the company?

[photo: Commons Wikimedia/FD562]

Tyler Breeze was supposed to have an explosive debut into the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) main roster but for one reason or another, he has bombed out in a pretty big way.

Based on his limited appearances, he carries the aura and skills that could place him among the ranks of Dolph Ziggler or even a modern-day Shawn Michaels. However, the WWE seems to have kept itself focused on the main cast that the middle card people are being left on deck.

If one assesses Breeze's appearances, however, it is nothing compared to the push that other mid-card wrestlers are getting. Ziggler is a perfect example. The Showoff had been given the push before but now, he finds himself in the middle cards.

The difference, however, is that Ziggler has been showcased in title matches and pay-per-views (PPVs) such as the one against Kevin Owens at the recently concluded WWE Fastlane.

The "Prince of Pretty" did have a chance at the intercontinental title when he was inserted in that Fatal Five-Way match at WWE Raw. Looking at the other combatants alone, it was obvious that he wasn't destined to be the winner.

So what is exactly wrong with Breeze? Is the WWE underutilizing him or could he be someone who is lacking something?

As far as his character is concerned, he did start out hip. He showed that against Ziggler but somewhere along the way he was making appearances with less talk. Apparently, the WWE felt Ziggler was not ready for the spotlight but then again, how will they know if they don't place him there or build on his character at the least.

Breeze doesn't have to be a champion to be big. He can follow the lead of heels like Sheamus or maybe Ziggler too. He just needs a dance partner to prove himself and from there, the WWE can evaluate if this is one guy who can make a difference.