WWE rumors 2016: Dudley Boyz destined to be WWE tag team champions once more?

[photo: Twitter Screen Capture/@BubbaRayDudley]

The Dudley Boyz are already legends in their own right and the duo of Bubba Ray and Devon have been active as of late.

Right now, Team 3D has been feuding with the Wyatt Family with some reinforcements. Not too long ago, however, they were in a storyline involving "The New Day."

With both groups involved in separate World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) storylines, one has to think if the Dudleys would ever get another shot at the WWE titles. The answer to that remains to be seen, although Bubba Ray did vow something related to the WWE tag team titles.

A poll from the WWE recently asked fans on which WWE title belt would benefit from a redesign.

Bubba Ray made an interesting comment via Twitter saying that next time that they win the WWE tag titles, they will revert them to the old designs. For those who are unaware, the Dudley Boyz won the WWE tag titles back in June 15, 2004 up to July 6, 2004.

They also won the WWE World Tag Team Championship back in Feb. 27, 2000 which was the original professional wrestling world tag team championship being contested until 2001.

Right now, it remains to be seen if the WWE would grant the Dudley Boyz another title run, with the New Day seemingly holding up well. The Lucha Dragons and the Usos are the ones closely tied up with the reigning WWE tag team champions, so it will be interesting to see how Bubba Ray and Devon will be inserted into the fray.

Then again, that rant by Bubba Ray could be nothing more than a throwback of sorts. But seeing how active the tandem has been lately, there is a chance that a title reign could happen for the former Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) originals.

And if ever the WWE does decide to do so, their title reign may all depend on how well the fans would embrace it. If not, it could end up being a short one.