WWE rumors: Dolph Ziggler and Alexander Rusev demoted to midcard

[photo: Twitter Screen Capture/WWE]

Dolph Ziggler had hoped to get a big push from the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and everything seemed on course with that storyline feud he had with the Bulgarian Brute, Rusev.

But as WWE fans probably know by now, that feud didn't exactly serve its purpose. It was so bad that both stars now find themselves in the midcard level which, apparently, hurts Ziggler the most.

Earlier this year, Ziggler was believed to be holding out on the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) since he wanted a big push. When he signed up and took a leave of absence to star in the WWE-backed film "6:42," many presumed better things to come.

Of course, everyone knows that Ziggler was hinting a possible WWE title run. He figured prominently for the U.S. and Intercontinental title but came out short with his tries. He ended up in a feud with Rusev alongside Lana and Summer Rae which was eventually scratched.

He now finds himself in a feud with Tyler Breeze and Summer Rae, something that is seen to benefit the newcomer more than him. With that said, Ziggler seems to be nowhere better than where he was before, just a regular face on the WWE roster whose status is likely touch and go from here.

Rusev, on the other hand, saw his fortunes plummet ever since losing consecutively to John Cena. An injury didn't help so now, the highlight for the Bulgarian Brute seems to be leaning more on his relationship with Lana.

Although he is a part of Sheamus' League of Nations, his role is apparently more of a support role than a major push. He somehow assumes the role of (Corporate) Kane when the Big Red monster was with the Authority.

Looking at the state of the two, it seems that they will have to stay in the middle cards for now until such time the WWE creative team comes up with something fit for either.