WWE Rumors: Kalisto gets bumped to WWE main roster?

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With Rey Mysterio believed to be parting the WWE, Triple H and Vince McMahon are looking for someone of the same size and caliber to fill up the void. And it looks like they have found the perfect replacement with Kalisto of NXT.

Kalisto, half of the Lucha Dragons tag team, has reportedly caught the eye of Triple H and McMahon. And now it seems that Kalisto will be getting the big break, a slot in the WWE main roster. And while all that should be good news for Kalisto, he will have pretty big shoes to fill.

Mysterio has always been a fan favorite and a hit with the kids. Kalisto, being the high flyer he is expected to continue and perhaps improve that area. Both Kalisto and Mysterio carry a lot of similarities. For one, both are undersized and love to do high flying moves. And most o all, Kalisto also wears a mask.

Of course, trying to succeed Mysterio who has gone as far as being WWE world heavyweight champion is easier said than done. Kalisto will need a big push and of course fit in well with the storylines that the WWE writers will be making.

Also, Kalisto's bump will make him the second Mexican to be given the opportunity in the main roster. Sin Cara, his tag partner is also a Mexican, may be his ticket to all that boost. Sin Cara is reportedly set to feud with current Intercontinental champion Bad News Barrett and from the looks of it, Kalisto will be joining the fray.

Apparently, Kalisto and Sin Cara are expected to bring their high flying act to the WWE as a tag team. As far as his individual bump to stardom is concerned remains to be seen.