WWE rumors 2016: Kevin Owens to make an appearance at SmackDown after originally being drafted to RAW?

Is Kevin Owens moving over to SmackDown?WWE.com

As per the latest World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) rumors, Kevin Owens, who was originally drafted to RAW, will switch to SmackDown.

According to reports, the superstar believes he will be better suited in the blue brand. After all, the feud possibilities are endless for the former NXT superstar in SmackDown.

It is being said that he can take on current WWE Champion Dean Ambrose and even Dolph Ziggler, who are one of the top guys in the blue territory. Owens has proven himself a main-eventer on multiple occasions.

He has also showed how menacing he could be as a heel, which would make him a perfect opponent for The Lunatic Fringe, who has proven himself a total face.

However, Owens moving to SmackDown will also mean he will be separated from his former pal Sami Zayn, which should hinder any more feud between the BFFs turned rivals. It will also mark the first time the two are separated.

Owens will reportedly, in a way, trade places with Randy Orton, who is rumored to move out of the blue brand to RAW, where it will be easy for him to continue his feud with Brock Lesnar.

However, in a conference call for the upcoming WWE SummerSlam 2016, Owens expressed excitement and interest in working with RAW general manager Mick Foley. He even challenged the GM to a match.

"I get to share RAW with him and I guess that will make for interesting television. I'm looking forward to our verbal jousts," the Canadian grappler said via 24Wrestling.

"Unfortunately we'll never be able to get in the ring together... cause I don't think he'll be able to walk out. Unless... we'll here's the challenge: Mick if you hear this then I'm all for it. Prove me wrong," he went on to say.

Based on that, Owens might be staying on the blue side of WWE. However, with regards to the actual possibility of KO ever changing brands, it is entirely doable.

Orton, Brock Lesnar and Smackdown general manager Daniel Bryan visited the other brand. However, they are more of stopovers instead of permanent moves.