WWE return rumors 2016: Roman Reigns's return to top status hinging on Seth Rollins SummerSlam win?

Roman Reigns drops to midcard upon his return from suspension.WWE.com

It looks like WWE is no longer pushing Roman Reigns to be the face of the company, thanks to his wellness policy violation.

Now, he finds himself in the midcard, with a WWE SummerSlam booking far from a main event. He is poised for a championship match against Rusev in the August pay-per-view event.

It is unclear if WWE will bring Reigns back to the level he was on before he was suspended. For now, it looks like CEO Vince McMahon has lost interest in building him up as the top dog.

It was rumored that Reigns was supposed to be in a main event in SummerSlam, which was changed at last ditch with newly-drafted former NXT superstar Finn Balor getting the coveted spot.

It certainly is a new view that Reigns, who headlined two Wrestlemania events and battled and beat up big superstars, is not used to.

However, it looks like the fate of Reigns returning as a main-eventer depends on a big win for Seth Rollins at SummerSlam against Balor, who pinned The Big Dog for the contendership.

According to Daily DDT, if Rollins retains the Universal title at SummerSlam, this could be an opportunity for Reigns to swoop in and continue his feud with his former Shield teammate again.

The warfare between the two could then be reignited and might run through the Survivor Series in November. On the other hand, a victory for Balor is another nail in the coffin for Reigns.

If the WWE newcomer ends up with the title at SummerSlam, it will further push Reigns out of the limelight. That being said, all the efforts WWE put out for him to be the top guy will be undone and will find himself back to square one.

However, Daily DDT believes that Reigns could be at the top of the hierarchy again before Wrestlemania 33, which will be held in his hometown – Florida.

WWE would want to take advantage of this and might put Reigns at the forefront again. For now, he will have to do with midcard.