WWE Rumors: Possible Extreme Rules 2015 Matches on April 26

Lana and RusevWikimedia Commons

After the successful Wrestlemania 31 PPV, all eyes are now on the next one. And by now many WWE fans may already know that it will be the Extreme Rules match set to take place on April 26, 2015 at the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois.

Extreme Rules is an annual WWE PPV event as well, something that replaced the previously known WWE show Backlash.

To date, there is only one match which has been made official although rumors are flying on other potential matches.

The only match made official is the John Cena vs. Rusev tiff, a rematch that will be for the United States championship. To recall, John Cena ended the undefeated winning streak of Rusev at Wrestlemania 31 and now it looks like the Bulgarian Brute will be seeking payback.

Contrary to rumors that Lana has abandoned Rusev, the dashing Diva will still be around to support his guy. It will be recalled that Lana's attempt to distract Cena went haywire. Lana eventually got the worse end of it, getting accidentally bumped off the ring by Rusev and on to the mat.

After the loss, Rusev and Lana seemed to be at odds, fueling speculations that both could part ways soon. But apparently that is not the case, at least not yet.

For other matches, Seth Rollins could be defending his title against Randy Orton. Orton has said time and again that he never got his rematch and with Rollins clinging on to the gold, this tiff could be a perfect time for Rollins and Orton to get it on once more.

Rollins lost to Orton at Wrestlemania 31 before the former cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase and claimed the WWE Heavyweight title belt during the Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns matchup.

However, Roman Reigns could somehow insert himself in the fray and do remember that Kane did mention on RAW that he was seriously thinking of inserting himself to battle for the title. A Fatal Four-Way match perhaps?

Sheamus could go up against Daniel Bryan for the Intercontinental championship, seeing the now-heel Celtic Warrior has his eyes on the IC belt.

Other matches?

Well there is that feud between the Miz and Damien Sandow (Mizdow) and the tag team title currently held by Tyson Kidd and Cesaro to consider as well. Well given that there are still a couple of weeks to go, more official matches are expected to come out.