WWE rumors: Rousey hoping for Wrestlemania second servings

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To this day, one of the bright moments at Wrestlemania 31 was the surprise appearance of UFC champion Ronda Rousey. Together with the help of the Rock (Dwayne Johnson), her appearance rocked the on-hand audience as both stood face-to-face with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

She did not wrestle of course but gave the fans a treat with her special and painful holds applied on Stephanie. And from there, rumors went wild on a possible match in Wrestlemania 32 involving Rousey and McMahon. All hopes for that have been shot down with UFC president Dana White saying that it is unlikely to happen.

Understandably, the decision was only to be expected. Both rivals in the sports entertainment industry, the fear of seeing Rousey suffering from an injury could be costly on the part of the UFC brand.

But for Rousy, the experience is something that she recalls to this day. Well technically she forgot the wrestling legends she got to talk to during the event, flabbergasted and obviously savoring the said experience.

Rousey likens the experience to a baseball fan called up to pinch hit for the World Series. That is how Rousey cherishes the moment.

But when it comes to returning, Rousey is clueless for now. Being at the prime of her career and popularity, the UFC champ admits that she feels like she is being pulled in different directions at this stage of her life.

All of it is overly stimulating and overwhelming but she has to follow certain constraints tied up with her affiliations.

 Will she return? The question is a no-brainer for Rousey. She certainly wants second-servings after the Wrestlemania 31 experience though there is no actual date when that would be.

Does this mean plans for her to re-appear in Wrestlemania 32 are dead? For now it seems obvious but you never know what transpired in the coming months before the annual WWE extravaganza right?