WWE rumors: TNA Wrestling's Samoa Joe headed to the WWE?

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The WWE could be adding another star to their roster soon if rumors are true that Triple H is seriously considering Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe, 35, has been an icon over at TNA Wrestling. And despite his prime age, many believe that Samoa Joe can still compete in the ring. Not only that, there is the matter of his following which could very well move over to the WWE bandwagon if Triple H pushes through with the rumored plans.

Samoa Joe had announced that he had left TNA (via Twitter) and this development has reportedly intrigued Paul Levesque (Triple H) on giving him a tryout. If Samoa Joe passes with flying colors, he will be inserted into the NXT lineup which should get a big boost with his presence.

But one thing that could hinder this from happening is the fact that Samoa Joe is not necessarily keen on joining a developmental niche although NXT was not so bad as of late. On whether that would be enough to convince the former TNA star to sign up is anyone's guess.

Though there may still be other options, Samoa Joe joining the WWE is bound to draw a lot of interest. Unlike other wrestlers who have returned and gone (or vice versa), Samoa Joe is a new face that started out with TNA Impact Wrestling.

And while his possible jump to the WWE is spreading like crazy, it should be noted that Samoa Joe has other options as well.

That includes potentially returning to the Ring of Honor in Japan or probably moving over to Tommy Dreamer's House of Hardcore event.

Whatever happens, it seems a remote possibility that Samoa Joe will be leaving the wrestling scene. The only question now is where he will end up.