WWE rumors 2015: Will Ziggler ever reign as WWE champion again?

Dolph ZigglerWikipedia

By now everyone knows that the issue between the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and Dolph Ziggler has been practically resolved.

Ziggler has re-signed and is being given the push, which was technically what many had in mind. Rather than a WWE title run, Ziggler was given a break to star in a WWE film titled "6:42." This will keep Ziggler out of the WWE scene for at least a month, giving Rusev ample time to get back on his feet.

It is believed that both will likely face off at WWE SummerSlam so expect Ziggler to return to the WWE scene weeks before the Aug. 23, 2015 schedule of SummerSlam which will be held at the Barclays center in Brooklyn, New York.

That match will likely still include Lana (and Summer Rae?), the reason behind the feud from the beginning.

Dave Batista would have been a perfect addition to the Authority. Everyone is familiar with the members of the Authority but let us play a game of "what ifs". What if back in 2014 when the Authority was having issues with Randy Orton, Batista entered the fray?

Dave BatistaReuters

Batista is of course used to being a heel, something he did when Evolution was still around. He could have been the great opponent for Randy Orton, the same way the two got into it some years back. If you broaden your imagination, what if Batista ended up feuding with Seth Rollins as well?

Well the possibilities are endless but you have to admit that Batista would have been superb. Trouble is that Batista has been busy filming in various projects, which could become a booking problem for the WWE.

But could it happen in the future? The doors are always open in the WWE and Batista could make a return, no matter how short it would become. With a ton load of WWE stars right now, Batista may not have the time to jockey for position. Besides, he seems to be doing well in the Hollywood scene.

Batista is set to appear next in the James Bond film "Spectre" where he will take on the role of Mr. Hinx. The film is set to hit the big screen this coming Nov. 6, 2015.

Future films that Batista is working on includes "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" where he is set to reprise his role as Drax the Destroyer, which may possibly carry on to Avengers 3.