'WWE SmackDown Live' set to feature Styles-Mahal rematch as final pay per view event of the year

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With the year starting to draw to a close, rumors are starting to surface regarding the final event of the year for "WWE SmackDown Live." According to reports, the year's last big event will be featuring a rematch between two of the biggest names in wrestling today, AJ Styles and Jinder Mahal.

The professional wrestling show is set to gather its biggest names for 2017's final pay per view event this December. Dubbed "Clash of Champions" the event is rumored to feature the hotly anticipated rematch between the Styles and Mahal for the WWE Championship title.

Fans would remember that the last time the two fighters met was earlier this month. Viewers watching in Manchester, England, were treated to an extraordinary fight, with Styles picking up the memorable victory.

It is widely believed that even though Mahal lost, he would be granted a rematch quickly to give him a chance to become the WWE champion as the show moves toward its India tour.

Mahal held the title earlier this year after beating Randy Orton back in May. His reign has champion began with promise, as the series was intent to showcase how WWE can provide opportunities to everyone.

However, his days as a champion quickly turned sour, as his subsequent victories came as a result of a number of underhanded tactics that he employed. Aided by the Singh Brothers, Mahal won matches, but was viewed by many as a weak fighter who needed help from others in order to win.

That is why the win by Styles was celebrated by many, as it serves to dethrone an unworthy champion who had a penchant for unfair advantages.

With the upcoming rematch, Mahal will have the chance to redeem himself and show the world that he is a world-class fighter and a worthy belt-holder. For Styles, the "Clash of Champions" will help him cement his name in the annals of WWE Championships, and will allow him to end the year with a resounding bang.