WWE SummerSlam 2015 rumors: Dean Ambrose to really turn heel?

Dean Ambrose[photo:Commons Wikimedia/Anton]

With barely a week before World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) SummerSlam, one of the much awaited matches is the tag team matchup involving Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose against Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper.

The supposed match is reportedly one that would emphasize on "family." For the folks who have seen the past WWE regular shows, you may have come across the spiels wherein Reigns and Ambrose were putting focus on the term.

But how many times have we seen actual brothers in the WWE turn on each other for the sake of appeasing WWE storyline and, of course, individual push? We have seen a lot of that, dating back to the Hart Family (Brett and Owen), The Steiners (Scott and Rick), and the most recent between the Rhodes (Dustin and Cody).

Now, Ambrose and Reigns are not actual blood brothers. Their partnership dates all the way back to the days of Shield. So while the two boast that they are the best of buddies and practically brothers, don't be surprised if an unfortunate event seeing Ambrose turn on Reigns happens as has been floating around.

Ambrose's heel turn could be the start of something to help give the Lunatic Fringe a big push. Ambrose is a fan favorite; but the thing is, he cannot play second fiddle to Roman Reigns forever.

And if that should happen, does this mean that Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns are done? What about those rumors tying up Sting and the whole six-man tag match reportedly set for WWE Night of Champions?

Ambrose turning heel at WWE SummerSlam should be the best time as ever for him to do so. From there, expect him and Reigns to start a new storyline feud, which could very well work to the advantage of the two former Shield members.

But again, these are rumors. Although the clamor is loud, it would be best to see if it will indeed happen this coming Sunday.

WWE SummerSlam is set for Aug. 23 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. It will be aired live via the WWE Network starting at 7 p.m. EST or 4 p.m. PST.