WWE Summerslam 2016 predictions: Roman Reigns up against Rusev for U.S. Championship

Roman Reigns enters the WWE ringWWE.com

Roman Reigns finally got what he wanted – a match against Rusev for the United States Championship at WWE SummerSlam 2016. All he had to do was shove his enemy's wife to a wedding cake.

The Big Dog played best man as Rusev and Lana relived their wedding day. He delivered a toast, which, to no surprise, did not sound celebratory in the least bit.

"I've never had the opportunity to see a marriage between a Bulgarian Sasquatch and a mail-order bride," the leader of the Roman Empire quipped, making his rival's face red.

Before fans knew it, a fight ensued inside the ring, which was decorated with flowers, wedding cakes and a bit more of both for the special occasion.

As Reigns and Rusev brawled, the former shoved the latter, causing him to bump into Lana, sending his wife toppling to the giant cake, giving her a face full of icing.

The WWE SummerSlam match was made official after The Bulgarian Brute approached Raw general manager Mick Foley, hoping for a chance to get back at the party pooper.

But Rusev can't seem to win, because not only was his wife drenched with fondant and filling, his grievance also led to the one thing he was hoping to avoid – defending his title against Reigns at SummerSlam.

According to Bleacher Report, having Reigns clash with Rusev has WWE hoping that he will get some love from critics. The site believes that The Big Dog won't be scrutinized in his every move since this is a midcard fight.

While the WWE SummerSlam 2016 looks great at the outset, the publication fears that it will not live up to the expectations, based on how some of the hyped United States Championships in the past turned out to be a drag.

Whether or not this will be the case will be revealed on Sunday, Aug. 21 at WWE SummerSlam 2016.