WWE SummerSlam 2016 predictions: Roman Reigns to suffer another defeat?

It looks like a big change is coming to Roman Reigns.WWE.com

Roman Reigns finds himself at WWE SummerSlam 2016 against Rusev for the United States Championship, but it looks like the match won't end in his favor.

It is being rumored that the Wrestlemania main-eventer and two-time world champion will be handed another defeat, this time at WWE's second biggest pay-per-view event.

Ever since he returned from suspension, Reigns has been suffering the pang of his wellness policy violation most notably through a sudden drop to the midcard level.

WWE has worked so hard to make him the top guy, but all that was thrown out the window due to this violation. However, it is believed that the company is not done with him yet.

While they are obviously giving Reigns the taste of what it's like to defy WWE's rules, they are reportedly not letting go of him that easy and still plans to bring him back to the top of the hierarchy.

In order to do so, Daily DDT says that WWE will have Reigns lost to Rusev at WWE SummerSlam 2016. After all, if they have no plans to keep him there, the U.S. Title should stay around Rusev's waist.

In addition, Rusev deserves to keep the belt mainly because he restored the title's credibility over the years, which is a difficult thing to do for a title that has become "volatile" over the years.

Also, having Reigns lose at WWE SummerSlam 2016 will also show that WWE means business when it comes to wellness policy violations.

It is believed that the Rusev and Reigns feud was made to serve the latter's career boost especially since The Big Dog is getting cheers from the audience, which he has not experience when he was being brought up as the top guy.

However, if WWE decides to bring him back to the top again, Reigns might not get the same support from fans again, unless he goes full heel.

According to Justin LaBar of Wrestlezone, "The moment he fights a cool heel or goes back up toward the world title picture, the boos will come back. This is not a problem solver, he's just going to have to be a heel."