WWE SummerSlam predictions for 2016 include Kevin Owens vs Brock Lesnar

Brock LesnarWikimedia Commons via Miguel Discart

It was previously reported that Brock Lesnar was allowed to participate in the UFC 200 event as long as the UFC would promote the WWE, a deal which has placed Lesnar back in the spotlight. According to the Bleacher Report, Lesnar will use this opportunity and fight at this year's SummerSlam where he is predicted to go up against Kevin Owens. 

According to the report, the WWE needs to give Lesnar a fighter who is capable of matching his strength and size, someone who looks like he can handle a match with an icon such as Lesnar. The report points out that Kevin Owens is one such competitor.

Owens is a young and emerging star in the WWE and it is further explained that Owens fighting Lesnar would improve both of their careers. Lesnar would be given a rival that can match his capabilities and forge a storyline for fans to follow while Owens would gain more reputation and climb up the heirarchy of WWE wrestlers. 

The report also points out that Owens has been teasing of a possible fight against Lesnar for some time. It is pointed out that Owens did state he had problems with Lesnar following their previous little scuffle that took place this past January and this may later culminate in a year-long feud between the two wrestlers.

Inquisitr points out that for a few weeks it was rumored that Lesnar would be fighting Bray Wyatt and the rest of the Wyatt family but this may have been canceled in order to let the Wyatts fight in a large-scale battle against several wrestlers at once. This will also give Lesnar and Owens more time in the spotlight, without any distractions. 

Lesnar will first appear at UFC 200, which is to take place this July 9, and whether he wins or losses he will be fighting at Summerslam which is scheduled for this August.