WWE 2016 news: Brock Lesnar missing out on SummerSlam fight?

Brock Lesnar might be the next main-eventer up for suspension.facebook.com/thebrocklesnar

Brock Lesnar is on the verge of losing his grip at the WWE SummerSlam, where he is scheduled in the main event in a match against returning superstar Randy Orton.

It was recently announced that Lesnar, who revived his mixed martial arts career at the UFC 200 by defeating Mark Hunt, was discovered by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) to have committed a potential out-of-competition violation.

This potential anti-doping violation comes from a test administered last June 28. ESPN points out that USADA and UFC likely won't reveal further details on this so-called violation.

The site emphasizes that whatever Lesnar was flagged for, it does not have anything to do with recreational drugs. However, the root of the violation might never be revealed.

According to Wrestlezone, this will certainly have its implications on his run in WWE, with SummerSlam being first in the domino effect.

While there's no way to know for sure at this point, WWE can go as far as suspending Lesnar for violating their Wellness Policy should it be proven have something to do with steroids.

Wrestlezone says that WWE can't suspend Lesnar immediately since there are more things to consider and the company might even do a test on Lesnar themselves.

Since WWE can't take an immediate step about it, Lesnar's WWE SummerSlam goes further into the chopping block. The longer it lasts, the nearer the pay-per-view event and the chances of the date of the event being covered in the suspension.

If Lesnar will be suspended for violating the WWE Wellness Policy for 30 days (for the first offense), he will still make it to WWE SummerSlam, which will take place in Aug. 21.

However, since this is a bit of a complicated case, WWE may not act on it immediately. For now, the situation has struck fears in many of Lesnar's WWE SummerSlam gigs.

The WWE SummerSlam will take place on Aug. 21 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.