WWE Survivor Series 2015: No traditional Survivor Series match for Brothers of Destruction and the Wyatts

[photo: Commons Wikimedia/WWE]

If rumors are true, the much anticipated match between Kane, The Undertaker, and the Wyatt Family will not actually be a traditional Survivor Series match but tag team match instead.

Such was reported recently which somehow makes sense considering many were hard at work wondering who could possibly team up with the Brothers of Destruction, seeing the two seemed to be powerful enough to fend off the Wyatt family quartet.

Regardless, that tag match should be interesting with only Bray Wyatt certain to be one of them. Could the other be Braun Strowman?

If power and strength is to be the basis, the wise money is for the Strowman to be Wyatt's partner. But if some agility and technical expertise is the way it will go, chances are that it will be Luke Harper (with possibly the rest up to no good at ringside).

It will be interesting to see how this pans up, although the odds of a tag match have favored Kane and The Undertaker considerably instead of the four against two scenario. But then again, the rest of the clan could be not far behind as we have seen in most of the Wyatt's matches.

With the Survivor Series match shelved per rumors, it makes you wonder if there will indeed be one held. To date only one match has been made official, the one between Charlotte and Paige for the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Divas title.

The rest of the card is pretty much open right now, although the coming shows should help mold things a bit. Right now, most of the stars are in that WWE heavyweight title bracket to see who the last two men standing by the time WWE Survivor Series comes around.

With more than a week to go, things should get pretty interesting so be sure to keep track.
WWE Survivor Series will take place at the Philips Arena in Atlanta on Nov. 22 and will be aired live via the WWE Network starting at 8 p.m. EST and 5 p.m. PST.