WWE Survivor Series 2015 rumors: Roman Reigns to win title but lose it immediately?

Roman Reigns[photo: Commons Wikimedia/Megan Elice Meadows]

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Survivor Series is all set and the WWE Universe will finally find out who the new heavyweight champion will be.

It is no secret that there are two names looming as favorites if everything stays the course — Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. If Vince McMahon will be followed, the most likely outcome is to see Reigns finally snagging the title that he has long been eyeing.

Now, unless the WWE creative team has anything up its sleeves, such is the expected scenario. Sudden changes are, of course, not discounted but of the final four race, Reigns and Ambrose are the overwhelming favorites, with Alberto Del Rio and Kevin Owens instilled as slight dark horses.

So if it will indeed be Reigns, there is a chance that the belt could just pass by his hands with word that Sheamus could be cashing in.

It is actually the perfect opportunity for the Celtic Warrior to cash in, considering whoever the champion may be will be pretty much worn out after two grueling matches.

The Money in the Bank briefcase winner normally comes out on top and eventually becomes the new WWE champion, although one cannot discount some rare occasions such as perhaps the cash-in going for naught. But that scenario seems to be one in a million and the WWE is certain to play it by ear.

Reigns is walking on a tight-rope, some wanting him to rein while others still holding back. This, apparently, brings up the ghost of the WWE Royal Rumble pay-per-view (PPV) wherein Reigns was thumbed down for his lack of work behind the microphone. Could it be the same scenario this Sunday?

Whatever happens, this is the rumored scenario. The cash-in part may or may not happen, but the only certain thing is that there will be a new WWE heavyweight champion before the night is over at the Philips Arena in Atlanta on Sunday, Nov. 22.