WWE wrestler Mick Foley cheated at Wing Bowl [Video]: caught stuffing chicken wings in fanny pack

Mick FoleyWikimedia Commons

Mick Foley was best known in the WWE for doing the extremes, some of which led to some match disqualifications as Cactus Jack, Mankind or Dude Love. But in Philadelphia, Foley was disqualified for real in an odd kinds of way – Wing Bowl eating.

Foley was reportedly caught stuffing untouched chicken into a fanny pack to make it look like he was actually eating them. Foley of course, disputed the allegations at first but when officials showed video footage on the big screen, that was all the talk about the WWE Hall of Famer.

And instead of being down about the whole mess, it seems that Foley put to good use the setback as he would from any previous WWE showing. Despite being under fire for the fiasco, Foley was able to turn the negativity into a good light, likening it to the Royal Rumble as far as getting that kind of 'heat' in Philly.

As far as answering to the whole mess, Foley tweeted with a bit of sarcasm after being caught guilty.

As far as the contest is concerned, the eventual winner was Patrick Bertoletti of Chicago who managed to chomp down a record of 444 wings in just 26 minutes. His feat erased the previous record held by Molly Schuyler of Nebraska who ate 440 wings.

A video of how Foley was caught can be viewed below.