Wycliffe hopes theatre production will rekindle interest in the Bible

With this year being the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, Wycliffe Bible Translators hopes a touring theatre production will inspire more Christians to read God’s Word.

From Eden to Eternity is the work of the Saltmine Theatre Company. It traces the Bible story from the creation of the world through to the birth, life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, to the very end of time.

The production is about to embark on its next nationwide tour in March and Wycliffe is hoping Christians will take the opportunity to see it.

“It’s not just in far-off parts of the world that people need to hear the Bible story,” says Eddie Arthur, Executive Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators in the UK.

“Here in the UK we’ve been able to read the Bible for hundreds of years, and yet the number of Christians who read and study the Bible is falling continually.

“Hopefully, this show will remind many of us of the personal impact of the Bible story.”

Wycliffe is part of the Biblefresh movement encouraging Christians to get in touch with God’s Word again during the 400th anniversary year of the King James Bible.

Wycliffe has produced a Bible study resource, ‘The Whole Story in Five Acts’, to help church small groups and pastors explore the whole story of the Bible and the important work of Bible translation.

From Eden to Eternity is stopping at 18 venues throughout the UK in March. Tickets are on sale now priced £6 and £7. Buy online at www.eden2eternity.org

The Whole Story in Five Acts is available to download at www.biblefresh.com/2010/12/16/the-whole-story-in-five-acts/#more-3036