'X-Files' season 11 news: Could the show continue without Gillian Anderson? Fox and series creator weigh in

David Duchovny as Fox Mulder and Gillian Anderson as Dana Scully in "X-Files"Fox

Gillian Anderson is back as Dana Scully, but not for long. The actress made it clear this week that "X-Files" season 11 will be her final outing as the FBI agent. Now, many have been wondering whether that means the current run will be the last of Chris Carter's sci-fi drama as well or just the final one without Anderson.

Taking part in a Reddit AMA, Carter weighed in on Anderson's exit and it certainly sounds like he is not ready to carry the show without its leading lady. "For me, the show has always been Mulder & Scully. So the idea of doing the show without her isn't something I've ever had to consider."

He reiterated this in an interview with Collider, saying he would not make more "X-Files" without Scully. "I wouldn't do it," he said. "That's not my X-Files."

It is not hard to imagine "X-Files" without Scully. After all, half of season 8 and nearly the entirety of season 9 were missing David Duchovny's Fox Mulder. However, his absence did not sit well with most fans and that would likely still be the case should the series go down that road once again; this time, without the other. The duo has been an iconic package deal for so long that many of those who watch the series mainly for Mulder and Scully as characters and a unit will probably prefer the show ending rather than continuing with just one of them.

Even Fox itself is uncertain of the show's future without Anderson. When asked about the idea of a Scully-less "X-Files," Dana Walden, Chairman and CEO of Fox, told TV Guide, "It seems like if those are the circumstances there won't be any more X-Files."

Of course, Fox has yet to make things official. Until the network confirms "X-Files" is over for good, there is still reason to hope. Last year's 6-episode "X-Files" season 10 was a big ratings hit for FOX, and the network was very eager to pick up another revival season. If the ratings are that good again, chances are it will decide to keep the franchise alive, with or without Anderson.