'X-Men: Apocalypse' movie news: Stan Lee hints at cameo, original Marvel Comics costumes

Stan Lee in 2007[Wikimedia Commons/Edward Liu]

Legendary comic book creator Stan Lee seems to be more than excited for the release of "X-Men: Apocalypse," the latest installment in the X-Men film franchise.

During the star-studded panel for the film at the San Diego Comic-Con, the 92-year-old former president of Marvel Comics revealed that he will once again appear in the movie in a cameo role, just like what he had done in almost all of the past Marvel cinematic adaptations. But he seems to be particularly excited about his brief appearance in the upcoming "X-Men" film. 

"When you go see the next 'X-Men' movie when it comes out, and see my fantastic cameo, you will say, 'I remember he told me about it here'. It's a different cameo in that it has one additional thing in it," Lee shared. 

But aside from his signature cameo appearance, Lee also hinted that the upcoming X-Men movie would look a lot closer to the original Marvel comics on which it is based. In "X-Men: First Class," fans saw their favorite mutants wearing the original costumes from the comic books. This time, the X-Men co-creator said that fans will see the characters closer to what he believes they want them to look like.

"I know its something that I've been interested in, I just always wanted to do it the right way," Lee stated. 

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique20th Century Fox

Meanwhile, actress Jennifer Lawrence confessed that she might consider returning as Mystique in future Marvel films, depending on what she feels when she receives an offer. The actress' contract for the franchise will expire after "Apocalypse," but she will definitely consider reprising her role if she feels like it's the right thing to do at that time.

"I think so, I want to. I want them to ask me and then I'll see how I feel in the moment when they ask," the Oscar-winning actress said.

Unlike others who normally seal the deal because they want to improve their skills or because it is financially rewarding, Lawrence uses a different point in considering whether or not to sign up for a role. 

"It might not make sense to a lot of people, but I feel like I'll know when they ask. If I get a pit in my stomach and I feel like I'm going to throw up, I'll say no. If I don't, then I'll ask how much they'll pay me. I don't have everything nailed down like Fassbender! I work more with stomachaches and numbers," the actress confessed.

"X-Men: Apocalypse" is slated for theatrical premiere on May 27, 2016.