Xbox One 2015 news: Microsoft Gamescom 2015 press briefing reveals exciting future up ahead

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Those who attended the Xbox Press Briefing that Microsoft staged before Gamescom 2015 opened this week were given a glimpse of what the tech giant's entertainment gaming division has in store for its fans .

During Tuesday's press briefing in Cologne, Germany, a number of game release announcements and gameplay trailer screenings were made, alongside a couple of console accessory introductions for better gaming experiences.

After Xbox chief Phil Spencer announced that video game compilation "Rare Replay" has been launched, he gave way to the unveiling of some of the biggest titles that are coming to Xbox One. 

First came the demo for Remedy Entertainment's "Quantum Break" which showed an action-packed gameplay combined with a live-action digital series featuring actor Shawn Ashmore, among others. Ashmore also appeared on stage to discuss the game and its digital series companion, then Remedy's creative director Sam Lake revealed that the ambitious third-person shooter game will come out on April 5, 2016.

The gameplay of "Crackdown 3" was also presented. The demo showed the upcoming game's multiplayer option, which is slated to begin in summer 2016. The trailer also said that using Microsoft's cloud could help provide "20 times more computational power" compared to using just the Xbox One. 

PlatinumGames' upcoming action-adventure title "Scalebound," another Xbox One-exclusive title, was also showcased, with a gameplay demo showing the main character named Drew as he was fighting with a fleet of armed soldiers with the help of his dragon. 

Aside from the upcoming games, Microsoft also revealed that Xbox One could soon become a TV DVR as part of the company's plans to make the game console a one-stop entertainment device. This means that those who have free-to-air digital tuners in the U.S. and European countries will be able to record different programs for streaming to any device that run using Windows 10 beginning next year.

Other announcements made during the Xbox Briefing include the release of the latest Halo 5-themed Xbox One console as well as Backwards Compatibility for all the upcoming Games with Gold titles.