Xbox One-PS4 crossplay: Microsoft's tech to make it possible is 'ready'
Will Xbox One and PS4 crossplay soon be possible?

Microsoft has revealed that the technology needed to make Xbox One-PS4 crossplay possible is now waiting in the wings. A month ago, the company presented the prospect to Sony, which is yet to confirm or deny a possible collaboration.

In an interview with Eurogamer, ID@Xbox Europe head Agostino Simonetta revealed that gamers will experience Xbox One-PS4 crossplay first with the vehicle soccer video game "Rocket League," which he said was perfect for the tech, being a "heavily network-orientated game."

There's no word as to when this will officially take flight, although Psychonix's game already supports Xbox One and PC crossplay. Simonetta had no details to provide regarding a timeframe for this, but he did emphasize one thing.

"Absolutely – we're ready," Simonetta declared when asked whether or not everything is set for the Xbox One-PS4 crossplay to take off. However, he explained that it's not up to them when it comes to releasing Xbox One-PS4 crossplay titles.

"As a platform we don't force developers to release at any point — it'll be when the developers are ready," Simonetta explained. "Any title that wants to update their game to include cross-network play, any title that wants to launch soon and take advantage of that, we are ready," he added.

Microsoft welcomes any company who wants to work together with them for the cross-network play. The company even invited its biggest rival, PlayStation Network, although it seems that no formal partnership has been formed yet.

Whether or not Xbox One and PS4 crossplay will ever be possible remains a mystery, but it is something very welcome to gamers. With the tech ready, it is now just Sony's call to make it all happen.

Right now, Microsoft is also busy with its newly announced cross-platform play with the Xbox One and PC, with "Rocket League" the first game to cater to the innovation.