Xbox Project Scorpio release date, specs news: Gaming console unlike any other

Screengrabbed from the introductory video of Xbox Project

There's a lot of excitement over Microsoft's upcoming new generation console, the Xbox Project Scorpio.

Though many believe that the Xbox Project Scorpio has been created as a successor to the Xbox One, Game N Guide reports that the highly anticipated gaming console is an entirely different platform. Instead of developing a follow-up to the Xbox One or even to the Xbox Two, the Xbox Project Scorpio stands on its own, maximizing gameplay and making gamers' experience so much better than when playing on regular consoles.

In an interview with Engadget earlier this year, the head of Xbox Games marketing from Microsoft, Aaron Greenberg, talked about the highly anticipated Project Scorpio and how it's going to integrate console gaming and virtual reality (VR). Though it may seem hard to believe that the two could go together, Greenberg assured that gamers will be able to run VR with high-fidelity on the Xbox Project Scorpio. At the same time, gamers will also be able to use the console without worrying about content through backwards compatibility, which makes it possible for any kind of game to be played on the Xbox Project Scorpio.

"When you think about backwards compatibility and our games lineup, we want gamers to know that when they're ready to upgrade to Scorpio, that content will go with them. That's our promise and commitment around compatibility," the marketing head elaborated.

When asked whether Xbox Project Scorpio would be the very last console generation, Greenberg answered that he thought so as well, saying that Microsoft believes that the future for gaming is a future without the need for different generations of consoles. The company is investing more on building hardware that would be compatible to the current library of games and the gaming community that comes along with it. Through the Xbox Project Scorpio, Microsoft will be able to do just that.

"So far I'd say, based on the reaction, there appears to be a lot of demand and interest around Project Scorpio, and we think it's going to be a pretty big success," Greenberg presumed.

Project Scorpio is slated for release sometime in 2017.