Xbox Scorpio vs PS4 Neo specs: Which of the upcoming consoles is more powerful?

PS4.5 (PS4 Neo) might make an appearance at E3.Reuters/Yuya Shino

While both the Xbox Project Scorpio and the PlayStation 4 Neo have been announced and confirmed by both Microsoft and Sony, respectively, they have yet to provide any details about what these machines will be capable of bringing to the table. However, it looks like speculations surrounding both new consoles are running wild with theories as to the type of gaming that users will be able to appreciate once they get hold of these new titles.

International Business Times reports that while Sony decided not to divulge any information about the Neo on their E3 conference, they did confirm that it is under development. On the other hand, Microsoft threw out a Scorpio reveal video for all to see on their conference in Los Angeles. Eurogamer mentions that they revealed a late 2017 launch, with support for both high-end virtual reality and 4k gaming. The said console is expected to have six teraflops of processing power, which makes it a virtual giant compared to its predecessor the Xbox One, which only holds around 1.32 teraflops. The E3 reveal also included details like the console having 8 CPU cores, and over 320 bandwidth memory.

However, Microsoft has yet to fully finalize these specs, but they did announce that this is going to be "the most powerful console ever." Nobody knows yet what Sony will be pulling out from their cards, so it is still best to not believe everything they claim. Forbes mentions other rumors where the Neo, which is supposedly going to have the same amount of cores, but with a lesser 218 GB bandwidth memory and 4.14 teraflops, is speculated to launch this year instead. Though with Microsoft's latest reveal, they might just have to be forced to redo their initial designs to something that is capable of keeping up with Project Scorpio.

One sure thing about both consoles is that they will definitely offer support for games made for older Xbox and PS consoles. They will also both support 4k gaming, and they will bring along a new trend in video game performance.