'XCOM 2 Alien Hunters' DLC release date set for this week

XCOM website

Just months after its release, sci-fi alien shooter "XCOM 2" is already on its second expansion content. The second DLC, "Alien Hunters," is confirmed to drop on May 12.

In an announcement posted on the official "XCOM" website, it is revealed that the new DLC will come out this week as part of the "Reinforcement Pack." Casual gamers who are into the game the first time can also get "Alien Hunters" as a stand-alone DLC add-on for $9.99.

The new content, aside from adding new in-game items, also tweaks the gameplay and features of "XCOM 2" with additional missions and in-game challenges. "Alien Hunters" is said to introduce new monsters.

"They will show up at random in your campaign, once you've completed the new narrative mission, and each will have their own unique behavior and tactics, so don't expect them to act like their subordinates. If you can't take out a ruler quick enough, the alien will escape to fight another day. We believe these rulers are incredibly intelligent and are pursuing your soldiers across the globe," the announcement said.

Players who defeat these new "rulers" will be rewarded with new sets or armor, each set having special skills and powers.

Meanwhile, as part of the package, players will get access to four new weapons that will be added to the arsenal. These new weapons are one-of-a-kind, like the single-shot Bolt Caster, to the Frost Bomb grenade that when used, temporarily freezes targets.

Developer Firaxis Games added that the "Alien Hunters" DLC will roll out a new patch to "XCOM 2," and the new update will add improvements, tweaks, and bug fixes to the base game.

"Alien Hunters" is the second DLC for "XCOM 2." According to TechTimes, other expansion bundles will still be added, with the third DLC, "Shen's Last Gift," expected to roll out some time in the summer.